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- <text>
- <title>
- China: Narcotics Official Vows To Control Drug Abuse
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- <hdr>
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, June 30, 1992
- China: Narcotics Official Vows To Control Drug Abuse
- </hdr>
- <body>
- <p>[Article by Wang Fang, state councilor and head of State
- Narcotics Control Commission: "Chinese People Will Absolutely
- Not Allow History of Drug Scourge To Repeat Itself". Beijing
- RENMIN RIBAO in Chinese 25 Jun 92 p 3]
- </p>
- <p> [Text] The 42d UN General Assembly Session in 1987 designated
- 26 June as International Drug Prohibition Day. This suggests the
- international community's serious concern about the drug
- problem. To solemnly commemorate the fifth anniversary of
- International Drug Prohibition Day, the State Narcotics Control
- Commission has made special arrangements requiring localties,
- particularly key regions, to make major efforts to conduct drug
- prohibition propaganda and education to further mobilize the
- masses for an upsurge in the drug prohibition struggle.
- </p>
- <p> Over the last 10 years, the increase in international drug
- consumer market demand, particularly in Europe and America, has
- greatly stimulated the illegal production and transportation of
- drugs. The drug problem has become an international pestilence
- and worldwide disaster. No country or region in the present-day
- world can free itself from the scourge of drugs. The wave of
- international drug crime has also infiltrated China, which is
- widening the scope of opening up.
- </p>
- <p> Historically, China was a victim of opium smoking. As early
- as the mid-18th century, Western colonialists, out of their evil
- motive for aggression and expansion, wantonly dumped opium in
- China, plundered its wealth, and poisoned the Chinese people. In
- 1840, the heroic move of burning opium by Lin Zexu, governor
- general of Hunan and Guangdong in the Qing Dynasty, shocked the
- world. Shamed into anger, British imperialists collaborated with
- France and the United States in brazenly launching the notorious
- opium war, during which gunboats and opium were used to push
- open China's door, thus turning China into a semicolonial
- country. The Chinese people will never forget this humiliating
- history of blood and tears.
- </p>
- <p> Not long after the birth of New China, the CPC and the
- people's government took resolute measures to wage a struggle of
- checking and prohibiting opium smoking in the course of carrying
- out democratic reform, to uproot this ugly feature left over
- from the old society. In February 1950, the Government
- Administration Council [replaced by the State Council in 1954]
- promulgated "Orders on Strict Prohibition of Opium Smoking."
- Subsequently, a large-scale mass drug prohibition campaign was
- launched throughout the country, during which special
- departments combined themselves with the masses in closing
- opium smoking centers, confiscating and seizing drugs, and
- severely punishing a large number of criminals engaged in drug
- manufacturing and trafficking; 20 million drug addicts were
- freed from drug addiction through compulsory measures or
- education; in ccordination with rural land reform, liberated
- peasants were relied on in rooting out opium poppies from 1
- million hectares of land. In the short period of only three
- years, opium smoking, which had tortured and harmed China for
- over 100 years, was compeltely banned, thereby purifying the
- great soil of the motherland. This heroic move enjoyed the
- sincere support of the people of all nationalities throughout
- the country, and world public opinion also praised China as a
- "drug-free country."
- </p>
- <p> But 30 years later, under the attack of internaitonal drug
- waves, the scourge of the already banned drugs made a comeback
- because China borders on the world's biggest drug growing
- region--the "Golden Triangle"--in the southwest. A small
- number of law breakers in the country, seduced by exorbitant
- profits, collaborated with drug magnates and drug smugglers in
- flagrantly carrying out criminal drug trafficking. Drug crime
- rates keep rising over the last few years. According to
- statistics in 1991, public security and customs departments
- throughout the country cracked 8,395 drug trafficking cases, an
- increase of 1.2 times over 1990; they seized 1,959 kg of heroin
- and 2,026 kg of opium. Cross-border drug smuggling has led to
- the consumption of drugs and the spread of drug addiction. At
- the end of 1991, heroin and opium addicts on the country's list
- numbered 148,000. Drug addiction leads to crime, and this
- situation is becoming increasingly prominent. Male drug addicts
- steal and rob, whereas female drug addicts are reduced to
- prostitution, thereby endangering social security and ruining
- society's general mood. Drug smoking and injection also cause
- the spread of the AIDS virus. At the end of 1991, 600 people in
- Yunnan's border areas were infected by the AIDS virus as a
- result of narcotics injections. In the meantime, it was
- discovered that a small number of law breakers had illegally
- grown opium poppies in some remote mountainous and forest areas.
- The drug problem caused by cross-border drug smuggling is still
- developing and spreading from the border to hinterland areas and
- from rural to urban areas, seriously harming the country.
- </p>
- <p> The party Central Committee and the State Council have taken
- serious account and shown much concern for the grave situation
- of the spreading drug problem. They have adopted a number of
- resolute measures. In November 1990, the State Council decided
- to form the State Narcotics Control Commission composed of 16
- ministerial and commission leaders to exercise unified
- leadership over the country's drug prohibition work. In
- December of the same year, the National People's Congress
- approved the "Decision on Drug Prohibition," thus providing a
- more powerful legal guarantee for waging a drug prohibition
- struggle. In June 1991, a national drug prohibition work meeting
- was held, during which a drug prohibition work principle was
- proposed: "Simultaneously carrying out three prohibitions
- (prohition on smuggling, addiction, and planting), cutting off
- the sources of supply, strictly executing the law, and curing
- the disease by looking into both its root cause and symptoms";
- a strategic decision was made on stopping the spread of drugs
- within two or three years and then fundamentally eliminating the
- scourge of drugs; and detailed measures were formulated on
- mobilizing all forces in society and waging a people's war of
- drug prohibition, thus effectively promoting the extensive and
- profound carrying out of the drug prohibition struggle
- throughout the country.
- </p>
- <p> Now most provinces, autonomous regions, as well as key cities
- nad counties in the country have set up and improved their drug
- prohibition leadership organs and offices, thereby strengthening
- their ability to seize drugs. All levels of government have put
- drug prohibition work on the agenda and quite a number of
- localities have entered drup prohibition work in the management
- responsibility system of fulfilling fixed targets during one's
- office term, with the higher leadership level paying attention
- to the lower one so as to produce actual results. To enhance the
- entire people's drug prohibition awareness and fully mobilize
- the masses, various localities are quite particualr about using
- newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, television programs,
- videotapes, exhibitions, street propaganda, and other forms to
- extensively and profoundly carry out propaganda and education
- among the masses, especially among young people, to expose the
- harm of drug addiction, to propagate state drug prohibition
- laws, and to give publicity to the government's determination
- to ban drugs. Some regions have taken drug prohibition
- propaganda as an important component of rural socialist
- ideological education and adopted the Second Five-Year Plan on
- legal popularization education. Yunnan, Shaanxi, and other
- provinces have made and distributed tens of thousands of
- videotapes like "Harm of Drugs," "Alarm of Drug Fog," and "Drug
- Prohibition Is a Must." These have been extensively shown to
- the masses. The State Narcotics Control Commission and the
- State Education Commission have also compiled middle school
- textbooks on drug prohibtion knowledge to popularize drug
- prohibition education among young people.
- </p>
- <p> Drug seizure and law enforcement departments at all levels
- are closely coordinating and fully cooperating with each other,
- have strengthened the work of checking and uncovering drug
- crimes, have resolutely carried out the principle of meting out
- severe and speedy punishment according to law, and have
- effectively cracked down on drug criminals actitivies. In 1991, a
- total of 8,080 drug dealers were arrested according to laws of
- the country. After being tried by courts, 5,285 of them were
- given punishments and 866 were sentenced either to life
- imprisonment, death, or to death with a two-year reprieve.
- Yunnan, Guangdong, and other localities pronounced openly and in
- a big way death sentences on a number of drug traffickers and
- burned a large amount of dsrugs in public. This shows the
- party's and government's determination to ban drugs, has helped
- form a powerful law enforcement momentum, has greatly boosted
- the masses' combat will, nad has deterred drug criminals in and
- outside the borders.
- </p>
- <p> To do a good job in banning drugs and making drug addicts
- give up drug addiction and to control the spread of drug
- addiction, governments at all levels have actively organized
- public security, civil affairs, and public health departments,
- and have relied on grass-roots organizations and the masses in
- setting up compulsory rehabilitation centers and all kinds of
- rehabilitation courses for drug addicts under the principle of
- strict management, focusing on education, and striving for
- redemption. Ideological education and medical treatment are
- combined to force drug addicts to give up drug addiction.
- Neighborhood village, and township committees as well as the
- relevant units and families should do well in supervising and
- educating drug addicts who are discharged from rehabilitation
- centers after giving up drug addiction. According to incomplete
- statistics, 41,227 drug addicts were forced to give up drug
- addiction in 1991. To cope with the high rate of drug addicts
- resorting to drug abuse again after givig up drug addiction,
- judicial departments will give correction-through-labor to drug
- addicts who resort to drug abuse again after giving up drug
- addiction under compulsion. Public health departments have set
- up drug dependence [yao wu yi lai 5522 3670 0181 6351] treatment
- centers in Yunnan, Gansu, and other localities to conduct the
- relevant scientific research work.
- </p>
- <p> We should actively carry out propaganda and education on
- banning the growing of drug plants in some remote mountainous
- and forest areas. We should resolutely eliminate drug plants as
- soon as we discover them, and promptly handle law breakers who
- illegally grow drug plants.
- </p>
- <p> Law enforcement departments immediately take resolute
- measures as soon as they discover new indications of drug
- crimes. Since 1991, in Guangdong, Fujian, and Beijing, public
- security departments have consecutively cracked collaboration
- between law breakers of these localities and Taiwan and Hong
- Kong drug dealers in illegally processing deoxyephedrine (called
- "ice" for short). In the course of dealing resolute blows, the
- relevant departments also take measures to exercise strict
- control over unprocessed drugs [qian ti yao wu 0467 7555 5522
- 3670].
- </p>
- <p> Because drugs which are endangering China mainly come from
- the "Golden Triangle"--a drug origin outside the borders--China's drug prohibition struggle is bound to become an
- important component of the international community's combat
- against the "Golden Triangle's" drug manufacture and
- trafficking. The Chinese Government has always taken serious
- account of international cooperation in banning drugs and
- actively supports the "Golden Triangle" subregional drug
- prohibition cooperative program initiated by the UN Commission
- on Narcotic Drugs. Promoted by China's efforts, a cooperative
- program between China, Burma, and the UN Commission on Narcotic
- Drugs has been signed which is aimed at controlling cross-border
- drug smuggling and takes the elimination of the drug origin in
- northern Burma as a long-term target. China actively undertakes
- its international drug prohibition duties, resolutely cracks
- down on cross-border drug smuggling, and seriously and
- responsibly handles international cooperation in seizing drug
- dealers and helping to check drug smuggling according to clues.
- It has made important contributions to stopping drugs from being
- transported and expanded to the world drug market.
- </p>
- <p> In recent years, however, some ridiculous remarks have
- appeared on China's drug prohibition issue. This has but drawn
- people's attention. Some U.S. newspapers and magazines use the
- strange words "China white" to describe heroin on the U.S.
- market. During a hearing at the U.S. Senate Judicial Committee
- not long ago, some people went so far as to say that China had
- become the "crux" of Asian heroin trade and slanderously
- asserted that China was "ineffective in banning drugs," was "not
- active" in China-U.S. drug prohibition cooperation, and was
- "perfidious." These arbitrary accusations and remarks are
- either ignorant or harbor ulterior motives. As everyone is
- aware, China does not produce heroin but is the victim of
- cross-border drug smuggling. International drug dealers
- illegally transport the drugs produced by the "Golden Triangle"
- via China. This is determined by the geographical location of
- China, which is adjacent to the place of origin of drug. It
- absolutely will not do to confuse drug production with
- cross-border drug smuggling. It is exactly because the Chinese
- Government has actively undertaken its international duty and
- has resolutely cracked down on cross-border drug smuggling that
- it has seized a large amount of heroin smuggled across the
- border, including that ready for transportation to the United
- States. In international contacts, the Chinese Government has
- always stressed trustworthiness and ethics. These have been
- commonly acknowledged by the international community and are
- also facts which the relevant U.S. Government departments have
- recognized. Since 1985, Chinese and U.S. antinarcotics
- departments have built bilateral cooperation. Taken as a whole,
- it is positive and effective. Although the U.S. side broke its
- promise in 1990, in that it has so far not resolved the problem
- of Wang Zongxiao, a witness to a crime who has been stranded in
- the United States, and has done something which hurts the
- Chinese people's feelings, we will, as always, actively and
- seriously offer our cooperation for cases which the United
- States demands our cooperative investigation. We have always
- held that, in carrying out international cooperation in banning
- drugs, the relevant countries must abide by the principle of
- mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, noninterference in
- each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and
- sincere cooperation. In line with this principle, we will
- unremittingly develop friendly cooperation with various
- countries in the world, including the United States, in banning
- drugs, so as to make contributions to jointly eliminating the
- scourge of drugs and to protecting the existence and development
- of mankind.
- </p>
- <p> The Chinese people suffered much from the scourge of opium
- smoking, which came from abroad, and will absolutely not allow
- the history of drug scourge to recur. With the leadership and
- concern of the party Central Committee, the State Council, and
- party committees and governments at all levels, the support of
- the masses, the successful experience in the drug prohibition
- campaign in the early days after the PRC was founded, as well
- as the guarantee of principles, measures, and law suitable for
- the actual drug prohibition work at present, we are fully
- confident in overcoming the scourge of drugs. The Chinese people
- bitterly detest drugs, and banning drugs reflects the demand and
- wish of the masses. Doing a good job in drug prohibition
- conforms with popular feelings and popular will, creates
- happiness for the present generation, and will remain
- meritorious for thousands of years. We firmly believe that, in
- the early 1990's, China will persistently wipe out society's
- ugly features and will unremittingly launch wars on drugs in the
- course of speeding up reform and opening up; that it will
- certainly make successes in the combat against drugs; and that
- will make positive contributions to the Chinese nation's
- prosperity and to international drug prohibition.
- </p>
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- </article>
- </text>